Alumni Impact Evaluation


In 2020, TFN engaged Social Ventures Australia (SVA) to deliver our Impact Evaluation 2020 to help us measure our impact on the grassroots non-profits and social enterprises we serve. A snapshot can be found here as well as the full report here

It builds on our Impact Evaluation 2017 and again underscores the significant and often transformational benefits of fundraising, pitch coaching and other supports TFN provides. Over the past three years, TFN has continued to expand the range of services and support we offer to our alumni network, resulting in measurable gains in every major measure of impact. 

This updated evaluation contains the findings of a survey, interviews and other data collected by TFN and reviewed by SVA, which together provide a rich picture of the continued impact of TFN on the organisations we support. A snapshot can be found here as well as the full report here. 

TFN is transformational, not transactional. "Create change and be changed at TFN", we say! Presenters and guests routinely tell us that the TFN experience is so much more than fundraising. We offer a refreshing model of community engagement that provides positive outcomes for three core groups:

1. Non-profits - Our professional pitch coaching helps non-profits and social entrepreneurs better articulate what they do, helping them secure funding not only at the TFN event, but from other sources in the future. By presenting their work at TFN events, non-profits gain access to new networks and valuable pro bono resources, not to mention the incredible sense of confidence that pitching to a supportive crowd brings. TFN’s committed support for our alumni brings ongoing exposure to even more capacity building and funding opportunities.

2. Guests and donors - In addition to multiplying impact by pooling funds, TFN is a fun and accessible way to grow collective insight into challenging social issues and to be inspired by the social innovation that exists all around us. The intimate connection to social change leaders and other guests at TFN events stimulates conversations and creates new relationships based on purpose and passion. It’s connection and inspiration all round!

3. Event hosts and partners - TFN gives businesses a way to showcase the role of CSR or community investment programs and to super-charge workplace giving. Corporate and family foundations have used our event format to leverage their match-funding and local governments have used it to introduce like-minded constituents to the work of innovative, local, social change organisations.

To learn more about our impact and the charities we support, visit